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  • The easiest way to build self confidence - there's no magic button.

    自信をつける最も簡単な方法 - 魔法のボタンはありません。繰り返しの繰り返し 繰り返しの繰り返し。

  • Repetition, repetition, repetition.

  • I did my speech, I practiced in front of the mirror. Da da da da dadadada

    スピーチも鏡の前で練習したよDa da da da dadadada - Hey I'm sounding

  • Hey I'm sounding good!

  • And then I went in front of my kids, then I get in front of the Glen Gool, Oh my goodness I'm a little more nervous.


  • By the time I get to the ACG, I won't have a single ounce of nervousness because of my ability to practice.


  • How many of us bail after the first bit of failure?


  • JK Rowling - you know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to?

    最初の失敗?JKローリング - 彼女がどれだけの出版社から ハリー・ポッターを取り上げたか知っていますか?

  • I believe the number was 12 or 13? I mean 12 times somebody said no.

    本に?確か12回か13回だったかな?12回は誰かが「いいえ」と言ったんだ たぶん

  • Maybe it shouldn't be repetition, maybe the answer should be persistence.


  • So that's one way to build self confidence. The other one is self talk.


  • We all have a self talk tape that plays in our head.

    が頭の中にあります。あなたが女性であれば いつも最初に出てくるのはで太って見えてしまう。

  • If you're a woman, the first thing that always comes: Damn, I look fat in these pants.

  • And if you're a man, it's the opposite - Oh, God. I have no muscle. I'm so flabby.

    このパンツを履いています。もしあなたが男なら、それは逆です。- ああ、筋肉がない......もう........

  • We need to get our own self affirmations.


  • Muhammad Ali, what was his self affirmation?

  • "I am the greatest!" Who else is going to tell you?

    "I am the greatest!再確認する必要があります。私はキャプテン

  • We need to reaffirm: I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate.


  • How do you build self confidence? Get away from the people who will tear you down.


  • There's enough of that.

  • Because I make enough mistakes and people around me will recognize it, and they'll tear me down, and pretty soon, I'll begin to believe it.

  • There was a time when my confidence was really low.


  • I had to bring out my self confidence letter.


  • Ivan, congratulations on getting your PhD before 40.

  • Good job on raising three good kids and marrying the right woman.

  • If you'll watch, you'll see some athletes, they'll have a little bandage or a little band around them.


  • Lance Armstrong's a perfect one.


  • Livestrong. He would move that from one arm to the next arm when doubt and fear came into his mind.


  • We are coaches or educators, we are teachers, we are people who will create value in the world.


  • I am a coach, I want you to score a goal.


  • Ball went over high.

  • Dang it! The ball went high!

  • Thank you coach, I know that...

  • Ignore what Johnny does wrong and find Bob or Sally or Frida over here.

  • Great goal, Frida! I love how you kept your knee low, you followed through, great job!


  • Johnny's not demoralized, his confidence isn't shot and what I've done is built up Frida's.


  • Catch them when they're good.


  • We forget it, it's simple!

  • Last and certainly not least.


  • Self confident people interpret feedback the way they choose to.

  • I asked my son, how was the game?


  • Oh great! I scored three goals. I got two assists!

  • I'm like, I did not see him touch the puck!


  • But he has his own perception of how he did!

  • If I could give you one thing to take from this, it is: No one will believe in you unless you do.


  • We're supposed to be different, folks.


  • And when people look at us, believe in yourself.


  • Thank you.

The easiest way to build self confidence - there's no magic button.

自信をつける最も簡単な方法 - 魔法のボタンはありません。繰り返しの繰り返し 繰り返しの繰り返し。

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