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  • It’s crazy to plead insanity,” says one law professor

    "心神喪失を主張するのは異常だ" とある法学部教授は言う。

  • This plea rarely works. And yet, some of the most famous mass murderers have attempted it


  • Just this month, Eddie Ray Routh, the killer ofAmerican Sniper,' Chris Kyle, was deemed sane by the jury

    今月 エディ・レイ・ルースが 殺人犯のクリス・カイルは 陪審員に正気と判断された

  • despite his insanity plea, and convicted of murder. So why is it so hard to prove insanity?

    心神喪失を主張したにもかかわらず 殺人罪で有罪判決を受けましたでは なぜ心神喪失を証明するのが難しいのか?

  • First of all, pleading insanity means that you admit to the crime itself


  • but youre not responsiblebecause youre insane

    しかし、あなたは責任を取らない - あなたは非常識だから

  • Also, you should not be put in prison or sentenced to death


  • The problem is, that it’s hard to prove insanity. In most US courts, the burden of proof is on the accused

    問題は、心神喪失を証明するのが難しいことです。ほとんどのアメリカの裁判所では 立証責任は 被告人にあります

  • A defendant must prove beyond a reasonable doubt


  • that he or she was so mentally ill, they didn’t know right from wrong during the crime


  • In the Routh case, during the closing argument, the prosecution highlighted the fact that Routh did have enough mental capacity after the murder to order a burrito at a fast food restaurant.

    ラウス事件では、最終弁論の中で、検察側は<a href="#post_comment_1">強調<i class="icon-star"></i>のように、殺害後にラウスがファーストフード店で<a href="#post_comment_2">ブリトー<i class="icon-star"></i>を注文するのに十分な精神的能力を持っていたことを強調した。

  • If he was insane, according to the prosecution, this food-trip would be unlikely


  • Another reason the insanity plea usually doesn’t work, according to several lawyers


  • is that jurors are hesitant to acquit people who have committed horrible crimes


  • The insanity plea, at its basic level, is a plea of innocence


  • People often feel that someone who is aware that they committed murder deserves to be convicted, and that the insanity plea is aneasy way out"

    殺人を犯したことを知っている人は 有罪に値すると感じることが多く、心神喪失の申し立ては "簡単な逃げ道 "だと思われています。

  • Routh confessed to committing murder, yet pleaded insanity


  • Despite a history of schizophrenia and PTSD, the jury convicted him. Similarly, in May 2014


  • David Tarloff also tried the insanity plea, after he brutally killed his psychologist. He, too, suffered from schizophrenia


  • necessitating several hospital stays. But again, the jury found him sane and guilty

    数回の入院を必要としましたしかし 陪審員は再び 彼を正気で有罪としました

  • A 1995 report fromThe American Academy of Psychiatry and the Lawsays that


  • on average, insanity pleas are raised in less than 1% of criminal trials


  • And only about a quarter of those pleas are successful


  • Often, the media frenzies over famous murderers who plead insanity - like Ted Bundy

    しばしば、メディア<a href="#post_comment_3">frenzies<i class="icon-star"></i>は、テッド・バンディのように、狂気を訴える有名な殺人者について、<a href="#post_comment_3">frenzies<i class="icon-star"></i>を取り上げています。

  • And that creates a false idea that insanity pleas are common, and that they work


  • Many criminals do have severe mental health issues, and there are many ways of criminally processing them


  • But for the majority of cases, in the United States, the insanity plea doesn’t work out

    しかし、大多数のケースでは、米国では、心神喪失の嘆願は<a href="#post_comment_4">work out<i class="icon-star"></i>をしません</a>。

  • Our new network Seeker has officially launched and there is some awesome stuff I really wanna recommend to you


  • This Happened Here takes a look at the stories

    This Happened Hereは、ストーリーを見てみましょう。

  • behind some of the most amazing and beautiful photos from around the world


  • The trip across the glacier wasn't a walk in the park either

    氷河を渡る旅は、<a href="#post_comment_5">a walk in the park<i class="icon-star"></i>でもなく、<a href="#post_comment_5">a walk in the park<i class="icon-star"></i>でもありませんでした</a>。

  • The shifting ice can send rocks and debris tumbling randomly down the slope


  • and there's the occasional massive hole to watch out for


  • Click the link at the very top of the description to see more. Let us know what you think


  • and thanks for watching TestTube.


It’s crazy to plead insanity,” says one law professor

"心神喪失を主張するのは異常だ" とある法学部教授は言う。

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