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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Father!

  • You've tasted more of life than I could ever imagine

  • But your story has no end

  • Do you know what it's like to live forever?

  • Your immortality has made you the greatest soldier of the Axe and Cross

  • In a war between our world and the next.

  • I've waited my entire life for the opportunity to help you.

  • That's a chance.

  • Do you want to quit? No, I want a raise.

  • This fall

  • You're a dream walker.

  • Get out!

  • I need you to take me to the dream world.

  • It's the only way to fight what's coming.

  • If you die in that, you die out here.

  • I need you to wake up, you are in a trap.

  • Yeah, you're not qualified for what happens next.

  • Live forever

  • The most powerful witches that ever walked the earth are here to destroy us.

  • So it begins.

  • Hunt forever

  • There are some very bad things out there.

  • Who says a witch can't hunt witches?

  • You know what i'm afraid of?

  • Nothing.

  • Vin Diesel

  • is

  • The Last Witch Hunter



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ラスト・ウィッチ・ハンター(2015年映画 ヴィン・ディーゼル)公式予告編 "Live Forever" (The Last Witch Hunter (2015 Movie - Vin Diesel) Official Trailer – "Live Forever")

  • 13922 422
    陳怡平 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日