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  • Hi, feckers. How you doing? Sometimes, you want to say bad words.


  • But sometimes, just sometimes, people get angry if you use bad words. I'm going to teach you how not to swear.


  • I'm also going to teach you how to swear.


  • Perfect. So, we have these words in English called "curse", "swear", or "bad words". Okay?


  • These are words that people, some people, think are bad.

    人々が -- 一部の人々が -- 悪いと思っていることを人々が信じる理由の一部は

  • Part of the reason why people believe that they're bad is people who are very religious, so if you find yourself in the middle of America,


  • which means you're not on the East Coast; you're not on the West Coast;


  • you're kind of in the middle, smack-dab, or if you're in Calgary or Edmonton or some certain places in Canada where people are really Christian,


  • a lot of them do not like it when you say "shit".


  • So, you have to choose a different word. I'm here to teach you this.


  • So, "damn", now, "damn" has the religious background. So, "damn" is like, "Damn you all to hell."

    だから "damn "は......今の "damn "は宗教的な背景を持っています。damn」は「くそったれども」という感じですね。

  • "Damn" is a bad word because they're basically going to hell and not going to heaven.

    "地獄へ""Dumn "は悪い言葉です 彼らは基本的には地獄に行くのであって 天国には行かないからです

  • So, instead of saying "damn", people say "dang" or "darn". "Darn it!"

    "畜生 "の代わりに "ダング "や "ダーン "と言うんだ"畜生!"一部の人は

  • Some people go as far as to say, "Rats!"

  • My grandmother's favorite, "Oh, dash!"

    と言うように "ネズミ!"祖母のお気に入りは "Oh, dash!さて、私の祖母はスコットランド出身でした。

  • Now, my grandmother was from Scotland, so I think this is kind of a Scottish translation of "damn". People in movies say "goddamn".

    これはスコットランド語で "damn "の翻訳だと思う映画の中の人は "goddamn "と言います

  • That's pretty bad if you're really religious.


  • Then, for all the people out there, "Oh, my God." It's been shortened now to "OMG".

    そして、そこにいるすべての人のために "Oh, my God"短縮して "OMG" になりました終わったのか?

  • Did you know that "OMG" meant "Oh, my God"? Did you know that?

    "OMG "は "Oh, my God "の意味だと知ってた?知ってた?だから、これは、たぶん、私が思うに

  • So, this, maybe, I think, is an acceptable way for people to get around saying "Oh, my God."

    "ああ、なんてことだ "と言うのが許容される方法です本当に敬虔な人は

  • I wonder if really devout Christian people like to say "OMG". I don't know.


  • So, instead of saying "God", all they do is replace it with either "gosh" or "goodness".


  • So, instead of saying, "Oh, my God", you can say, "Oh, my gosh" or, "Oh, my goodness."

    "ああ、神様 "の代わりに "ああ、神様 "とか "ああ、神様 "と言えばいいのよ

  • For me, personally, I would say these words because I'm not religious.


  • But, like I said, some people get a little bit freaked out if you use bad language. So, just to be nice, this is what you're going to do.


  • Now, at a work place or in a very formal environment, people do not like it when you say swear words.


  • Now, swear words are typical things, like, "fuck", "shit", "bullshit", "bitch", "mother fucker", "horseshit", "son of a bitch",


  • these words are considered bad. These are bad words.

    "馬糞 "とか "クソ野郎 "とかこれらの言葉は悪い言葉とされていますこれらの言葉は悪口とされています個人的には

  • Personally, Ronnie loves bad words. Ronnie says bad words all the time.


  • It's hard for me to not say bad words sometimes. So, in an environment like my job, I cannot use bad words.

    悪い言葉を使うことがあります。だから私の仕事のような環境では 悪い言葉は使えませんもし私が

  • If I'm having, or if I'm going for a job interview, I don't want to drop the F-bomb. What's the "F-bomb"? The "F-bomb" is just the word "fuck".

    面接に行っても「F爆弾」を落としたくない"F爆弾 "とは何ですか?就活の面接に行くときには

  • People don't like the word "fuck". They think it's bad.

    "F-bomb "はただの "fuck "という言葉です。人々は "ファック "という言葉が好きではありません。悪い言葉だと思われている

  • So, they can say, "Ronnie dropped the F-bomb in the job interview. We're not giving her a job."

    "ロニーが面接でF爆弾を落とした "と言われてもね彼女には

  • Don't say "fuck" in a job interview unless you're a porn star; say it all you want.

    "仕事"面接で "ファック "とは言わないで ポルノスターでもない限り 好きなだけ言ってくれ

  • We have the word "shit". Now, "shit" is, do you like my picture? Unko, Japanese, for you.

    "クソ "という言葉があるさて "クソ "とは -- 私の絵が好きですか?"うんこ" -- 日本語

  • Shit is the stuff that comes out of your bum. It is shit. It doesn't smell nice. It's terrible.


  • If you are Irish, you're going to say "shite".


  • My father once said, "That's shite." And I was like, "That's cool. That's shite." I got in shit because I said "shite".


  • Apparently, "shite" is a bad word, too. Some people don't know "shite" is a bad word, so you can say it.

    "クソ"どうやら "shite "も悪い言葉らしい。"shite "が悪い言葉であることを知らない人もいるようです。

  • Go test people. People like to say "crap" because it's poo, or "poop".


  • "Crap" and "poop" are just shit, okay?

    "うんこ "と "うんこ "はただのクソだぞ?"ボローニャ""イタリアにあるんじゃないの?

  • "Bologna". And you go, "Hey, isn't that a place in Italy? What do you guys have against the place in Italy? Is it terrible?"

    イタリアの場所に何か不満はありますか?"ひどいところ?"いや、でも "ボローニャ"

  • No, but "bologna" is sandwich meat, and, I don't know how they get this; people just go, "sandwich meat."


  • Not "salami", though, "bologna". "That's bologna." It's chicken. I don't know where this came from.

    "サラミ "じゃなくて "ボローニャ "よ"それはボローニャだ"チキンだよどこから来たのかわからない

  • And a play on the "crap" is "crapola". "Holy crapola!" "Oh, crapola!" "That's crapola."

    より。そして、その "ガラクタ "を使った遊びが "クラポラ "です。"ホーリー・クラポラ!""ああ、クラポラ!""それはクラッポラだ"

  • All of these words are replacements for "shit" or "shite". "Holy shit" is a surprise.


  • Again, we have the "holy", like, God took a shit.

    神が糞をしたような「聖なる」がありますだから "聖なるクソ "は、またしても宗教的に

  • So, "holy shit", again, with the religious people, is considered bad because it's a holy shit. Double swear here.

    人が悪いとされているのは ホリエモンだからですここで二重の誓いをしますだから人々は

  • So, people will say "holy cow" or, "oh, snap". I don't know how that works, but these are what people have replaced this with.

    "ホーリーカウ "とか "オッ、スナップ "とか。それがどのように機能するのかはわかりませんが これらは人々が持っているものです

  • I think Bart Simpson from the Simpsons said, "Don't have a cow, man!", but I don't think he said "holy cow".


  • He definitely was not allowed to say "holy shit".

    "holy cow "とは言わなかったと思います。彼は絶対に "聖なる牛 "と言うことは許されなかった。

  • On most TV programs, they are not allowed to use swear words or bad words.


  • In Canada, you cannot use them until after 9 p.m. So, after 9 p.m., on most TV stations, it's okay to say "shit".


  • Woohoo! Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech has happened. "Fuck".


  • You can say "frick". You can say "frak". You can say "fek".

    "フリック "と言って"frak "って言うんだあなたは "fek "と言うことができます。個人的に好きなのは...

  • My personal favorite, or as I called everyone today, "feckers". "Fek", again, is the Irish word for "fuck".

    私は今日みんなを "feckers "と呼んでいました"フェク "はアイルランド語で "ファック "を意味します私は

  • I don't know if it really means "fuck", or if it's just the accent and the way they say it, but I say "fek" all the time.


  • I have an T-shirt that says "fek". Even my mother doesn't know.

    私はいつも "fek "と言っています。私は "fek "と書いたシャツを持っています。母でさえ知らない

  • Okay?


  • And, then, we have this word that's "eff". So you could be funny and put "eff you".

    そうすると、「エフ」という言葉があります。そこで面白いことに "eff you "を入れてみましょう"ああ、おまえ

  • "Oh, eff me?" "Eff you" means "fuck you", but you can't say "fuck", so you say, "Eff you."

    "私のこと?""Eff you "は "fuck you "という意味ですが、"fuck you "とは言えないので、"Eff you "と言います。

  • And then, you have the -ing.

    そして、-ingがあります。だから時々何か言いたくなるんだ "これはクソだ "って

  • So, sometimes, you wanna say somethings like, "This is fucking tasty. I love it." But that's a bad word, so you can say, "This is flippin' delicious."

    美味しいです。"大好きです"でもそれは悪い言葉だから "これはフリッピンでおいしい"

  • Or, "This is effin' wonderful." "This is freakin' great." "Frig" also means "fuck".

    または "これは素晴らしい""これは異常に素晴らしい""Frig "は "ファック "という意味もあります。"ファッジ"

  • "Fudge". If you're really, really, really, really angry, and you want to say a bad word, you can say, "Oh, fudge!" "Fiddlesticks. Fiddlesticks! Fiddlesticks!"

    -- 本当に、本当に、本当に怒っていて、悪口を言いたくなったら

  • I really don't know how they get this other than it has the same F sound. So, "effin'", "freakin'", "frig", or "friggin'".

    "あ、ファッジ!""Fiddlesticksなめこ!フィドルスティック!"私は本当に彼らがどうやって同じFの音がする以外はこれを手に入れるんだだから "effin' "freakin' "frig" "friggin' "ということです

  • "Fudge", "fiddlesticks", the "F-bomb", "frick", "frak", "fek", "flippin'", and "eff", they just mean "fuck".

    "ファッジ" "フィドルスティック" "F爆弾" "フリック" "フラック" "フラック" "フェク" "フリッピン" "エフ" 彼らは

  • Okay?

    "ファック "という意味だいいか?

  • In this one, actually, we have to put f-l-i-p-p-i-n' because when you're going to replace the swear words, you've got to get the spelling correct, too. Okay?


  • Then, we have one of my favorites, "bullshit". "Bullshit" means someone's telling you something that you think is not true.

    そして、私のお気に入りの一つ、"デタラメ "があります。"デタラメ "とは、誰かが何かを話していることを意味します。

  • So, for example, if I said to you, "I'm going to give everyone watching this video $10,000." You can say, "That's bullshit, Ronnie."


  • Or, if you don't want to say "bullshit", you can say, "Hey, that's BS."

    "1万ドルだ""でたらめだ、ロニー "と言えばいいそうじゃなければ...

  • It just means "bullshit" or "bullspit".

    "でたらめ "と言いたい時は "おい、それはBSだ "と言えばいい。"でたらめ "や "でたらめ "という意味になります。

  • Bull's spit. Okay? "That's bull spit." Okay? Or you could just say, "That's bull".

    唾を吐くんだいいか?"それは牛の唾だ"いいかい?"牛のつばだ "と言えばいいいつだ?

  • When I was a child, I think I said "bullshit" once, and I got in trouble, so I said "BS", and that was fine. I don't know.


  • Even more outrageously crazy is "horseshit". Okay? Bullshit, maybe bulls shit a little bit.

    もっととんでもないのは "馬の糞 "だいいか?うそつき...もしかしたら少しはうそつきかもしれないが

  • Horses, goddamn, they shit a lot. "Horseshit" is 900 times bigger and better than "bullshit".

    ビット。馬は...糞が多い"馬の糞 "は "でたらめ "の900倍以上だ

  • So, if I said to you, "Not only will I give you $10,000, I am going to give you a car. You can come to Canada and live in my house, and I will cook you food every day."

    だから、「1万ドルあげるだけじゃなくて、車もあげるよ」と言ったら、「1万ドルあげるよ」と言われました。カナダに来て 私の家に住めばいいのよ毎日料理を作ってあげる"あなたは

  • You would say, "Well that, right there, is a load of horseshit, Ronnie" because none of this is true.

    "そんなの嘘っぱちだ "って言うんだ どれも真実じゃないからな

  • But if you want to say a bad word for "shit", you can say "horse pucky". "Pucky" means "poo", horse poo. "That's horse pucky."

    でも、「ウンチ」の悪口を言いたいなら「馬のパッキー」と言えばいいんです。"Pucky "は「うんこ」という意味です。馬のフン"それは馬のフンだ"

  • Now, some of these ones, when I look at them or think about them, they make me giggle because to me, it's really, really, really American,

    これを見たり考えたりすると 思わず笑みがこぼれます

  • and it's really the middle states of America. And these people are really, really, really Christian. So, they say, "That's horse pucky."

    私にとっては、本当に、本当に、アメリカの中州です。彼らは本当に、本当に、本当に、キリスト教徒なんです。それで彼らは "それは馬のフンだ "と言うのです

  • I kind of have to do it with a little Texan accent. "You kind of got to kick your heels up."


  • This one, people don't like this. "Mother fucker".


  • People hate when you call them a "mother fucker". Okay? So instead of saying this, maybe you've seen this, "MoFo".

    "マザーファッカー"いいか?これを言う代わりに "MoFo "と言うのを見たことがあるだろう"やあ

  • "Hey, MoFo." "MoFo?" What's a MoFo? "MoFo" is "mother fucker". Okay?

    "MoFo""MoFo?MoFoって何?""MoFo "は "クソ野郎 "だよ(山里)いいですか?(徳井)テレビでは またしても 許されないんですよ

  • In TV, again, they're not allowed to say "mother fucker". Some movies, they don't say this, so they say "MoFo".

    "MOTHER FUCKER "と言います。映画によっては、これを言わないから「モフォ」と言うのです。

  • Oh, these are funny. Instead of saying "mother fucker", you can say "monkey father".


  • "Hey, you, monkey father, I don't like you at all."


  • Or, even worse, "Look at you being a melon farmer. Do you grow melons? You're a bad person." "Hey, melon farmer, I'm going to kill you."


  • Somehow, it doesn't have the same punch as "mother fucker".

    どういうわけか、"mother fucker "のようなパンチがない。これらの悪口や

  • These swear words or these bad words are things that we have developed in our society to think that they're bad.


  • "Bitch". "Bitch" has two meanings. One, it's a female dog. Two, it's a nasty... there's three. It's a nasty woman.

    "ビッチ" -- "ビッチ "には2つの意味がある一つはメスの犬二つ目は、それは意地悪な...

  • Or four, it's a man in jail, who you do everything... who does everything for you.

    三つです。それは意地悪な女。あるいは4つ目は 何でもやってくれる刑務所の男ですということで

  • So, we also have the word "biatch". You've heard this before, haven't you?


  • So, people will say, "Hey, bitch." "Bitch" is a bad word, so they say "biatch". It's in a lot of rap music, too.

    "おい、ビッチ""ビッチ "は悪い言葉だから "バイアッチ "と言われるラップミュージックにもよく出てきますね。

  • Then, we have, maybe, you "son of a bitch". That's just like "mother fucker". That's just bad.


  • "You insulting my mama?" So, instead of saying "son of a bitch", people say "son of a gun".

    悪いことだ"ママを侮辱してるのか?""クソ野郎 "と言う代わりに "銃の息子 "と言われるのか

  • Your mother had sex with a gun. Is that better? Or, "SOB". "He's a dirty SOB."

    お母さんは銃を持ってセックスしていたその方がいいのか?それとも "SOB""彼は汚いSOBだ"

  • Son of a bitch. SOB.


  • I have a special request or special saying that I'd like to teach you guys. And it's from the Indian language, and it's "benchod".


  • Apparently, "benchod" means "sister fucker".

    インドの言葉で "ベンチッド "ですどうやら "ベンチッド "は "妹のクソ野郎 "という意味らしい。

  • But it also means "great pleasure". I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Is it good? Is it bad? Maybe it's great. Maybe it's slang.


  • If you want to learn more slang, check out more slang videos on EngVid.


  • Why would you not want to swear? How not to swear? Why don't we just swear all the time?


  • Job interviews, workplaces, if you ever meet my mother, don't swear in front of her.


  • Some people, a lot of older people don't like it when you swear. It's rude. It's vulgar.


  • Some people think it's obscene. That's cool. Everyone has their own opinion.


  • So, if you need to think of ways not to swear, "gosh", "golly", "gee", you've got it right here.


  • See you later, y'all.


  • "This is a frackin' joke." "Oh, give me a frackin' break." "Shut the frack up."


  • "Get to the frackin' point." "I fracked up." "Come, mother fracker." "You can tell me I fracked up." "Tell me I fracked up." "Tell me I fracked up."


Hi, feckers. How you doing? Sometimes, you want to say bad words.


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