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  • They hear a lot of people these days talking about introverts and extroverts.


  • But the fact is not everyone knows which one they are.


  • So I've put together a little quiz that you can ask yourself to determine if you might be an introvert.


  • If you were sitting by yourself and someone comes up to talk to you.

    1 人で座っていて、誰かがあなたに話しかけに来たとしましょう。

  • And you consider that to be interrupting, then you might be an introvert.


  • If you've ever dialed someone's phone number and thought to yourself, "Come on, voicemail. Come on, voicemail.".


  • Then you might be an introvert.


  • If small talk is more complicated to you than trigonometry, then you might be an introvert.


  • If you consider two hours sitting still very productive, then you might just be an introvert.

    2 時間じっと座っているだけでも、非常に生産性が高いと思うなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

  • If you don't have to scroll down on your Facebook friends list, you might be an introvert.


  • If you're getting married and struggling to find three bridesmaids, you might just be an introvert.

    結婚するけれど、3 人のブライドメイドを探すのに苦労しているなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

  • If your child doesn't learn to talk until they're about twelve, you might be an introvert.

    自分の子どもが、12 歳くらいになるまで話そうとしないなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

  • If you've ever crossed a busy street to avoid saying "Hi" to a stranger, then you might be an introvert.


  • If treating all your friends to dinner starts with saying, "Ah yes, a table of two, please.", you might be an introvert.

    友達皆をディナーに誘って、レストランでまず「2 人です」と言うなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

  • If the best conversation you've had all day is with your inner voice, then you might be an introvert.

    1 日で最高の会話が、自分の内なる声との会話だったなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

  • If you're watching this video and laughing by yourself, then you might just be an introvert.

    このビデオを見て、1 人で笑っているなら、あなたは内向的かもしれません。

They hear a lot of people these days talking about introverts and extroverts.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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