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  • Hello, Mindvalley Community.


  • My name is Jim Kwik with Kwik Learning, and I'm here as always to help you to learn quickly.


  • One of the questions in the community that we get is, "Jim, what do you do every single morning to jump-start your brain for greater success, greater levels of focus, greater levels of productivity?"

    マインドバレーでよく聞かれる質問の 1 つはこう。「ジム、毎朝何をして脳に活を入れているの?より良い結果をしたり、集中力を高めたり、生産性を高めたりするためにね。」

  • So, I'm going to walk you through my morning routine.


  • The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is, I have a process to remember my dreams.


  • Now, you're like, "Jim, why do you want to remember your dreams?"


  • The reason why is, often, as you spend your day learning and working to solve problems, solve problems in your work, in your life, and everything else, when you sleep, your mind doesn't stop.


  • Your unconscious mind is still working on those problems, and you come up with incredible insights and solution.


  • The challenge is, is in the morning most people don't remember their dreams, so we teach a process on how to do that.


  • The second thing I do after I wake up is, I get out of bed and I make my bed.

    目を覚まして 2 番目に僕がするのは、ベッドから出て、ベッドを整えること。

  • You're like, "Jim, why is that good for your brain?"


  • Two reasons:

    理由は 2 つ。

  • Number one, clean environment is important for you.

    その 1:身の回りをきれいにしておくことは重要なことだから。

  • Like, you know when you clean off your desktop, you clean up your office, your bedroom, you have a clearer mind.


  • The second reason why is, I want to start my day with success, because how you do anything is how you do everything, so, you start with excellence.

    理由その 2。1 日を最高の状態でスタートさせたいから。ものごとへの取り組み方はすべてに通じるんです。だから、素晴らしい状態でスタートさせるんです。

  • Take two minutes, make your bed, and it's really great, because when you come home at the end of the day, you come back full circle back to success.

    2 分くらいですね。ベッドを整えるのは。本当にいいものですよ。だって、1 日の終わりに家に帰ってきたら、またきれいな最高の状態になっているところに戻ってくるんですからね。

  • The third thing I do is I drink a lot of water.

    3 つ目にすること。それは、水をたくさん飲むことです。

  • Your brain is mostly water: 80 percent water.

    人間の脳はほとんどが水分です。80 %が水分。

  • And a lot of people dehydrate, you use so much water, and it's so important for your brain to be hydrated.


  • The challenge is, you lose a lot of water when you're sleeping, so I super hydrate first thing in the morning.


  • Then what do I do?


  • I brush my teeth.


  • You're like, "Jim, why do you brush your teeth?" "How is that good for your brain?"


  • What you do is you brush your teeth with your opposite hand.

    実は、(利き手と) 反対の手で歯を磨くんです。

  • It's been shown that by using your opposite hand to eat or to brush your teeth, as your body moves, your brain grooves.


  • As you brush your teeth with your opposite hand, it actually creates more neural connections inside your brain.


  • So, the next thing I do is I do a deep breathing exercise.


  • The other thing besides hydration that's good for your brain is oxygen.


  • A lot of people get tired, and they have brain fog.


  • What do they do with their mental fatigue?


  • And I would say the number one thing is get oxygen in your body.

    1 番良いのは、身体に酸素を取り込むことでしょうね。

  • And here's the thing: your brain is only two percent of your body weight on average, but it consumes 20 percent of the nutrients and oxygen, so it's so important to do deep breathing exercises.

    実は、人間の脳は平均して体重のわずか 2 %ほどしかないなのに、栄養素や酸素全体の20%も消費するんです。だから、深呼吸エクササイズはすごく重要なんですよ。

  • We talk about that in our programs also as well.


  • What's the next thing I do in my morning routine?


  • I make myself some tea, and I make what I call a brain tea.


  • It has gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, it has lion's mane.

    ゴツコラ (ツボクサ)、イチョウ、ヤマブシタケが入っています。

  • It has some essential fatty acids that are there, really good ingredients that boost my focus and my memory.


  • Now, as I'm drinking the tea, what am I doing? I'm actually journaling.


  • Because if you want to boost your brain power, it's important to take notes.


  • And I do a whole process where I teach you the best ways of taking notes and making notes to be able to plan out your day and also to be able to write the things that you're most grateful for.

    (別の動画やサイトで) ジャーナリングの方法もすべてお教えしていますよ。ベストな書き出し方、メモの取り方。1 日の段取りをつけられるようにね。あと、心から感謝していることを書き出すことができるようにも。

  • So, I go through this gratitude process in my journal, because I feel like your brain really thrives on gratitude.


  • Because if you can't appreciate the things that you already have, you're not going to be given the things that you really want.


  • So, why do I focus on gratitude first thing in the morning?


  • Well, I have my vision board and then my goals, everything that I want, but I also have a gratitude board of things that I'm most grateful for in my life.


  • And if you want to feel instant gratitude, just count all the things in your life that you have that money can't buy.


  • Gratitude's also good for your brain.


  • There was a cover story on the cover of "Time" magazine on the super nuns who are living 80, 90, and above.


  • And I want to find how... where is their longevity coming from?


  • Half of it had to do with their gratitude, emotional faith.


  • The other half had to do with they were life-long learners.


  • So, those two things combined are very, very powerful.

    なので、この 2 つのことを組み合わせれば、ものすごく効果的でしょう。

  • After that, I'm drinking my tea, I'm writing in my journal, because a lot of geniuses write in journals, right?


  • Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Marie Curie.

    レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ、アインシュタイン、マリ・キュリー (キュリー夫人) とか。

  • All these journals, and they want to do these studies.


  • Are geniuses writing in journals because they're geniuses, or is it the opposite?


  • It's because they're writing in journals that they become these incredible geniuses of their field.


  • When I'm done drinking my brain tea and writing my journal, the next thing I do is I do some just morning exercises.


  • This is not my exercises for the day, but three or four minutes of high-intensity workout to kind of get your heart beat and going, because here's the thing, whatever is good for your heart is usually good for your head.

    1 日のメインとなるエクササイズではありませんが、3~4 分ほど強めのトレーニングを行い、心拍数を上げるという感じです。なぜかと言うと、心臓に良いことは、たいてい脳にも良いですからね。  

  • Because when I'm getting my heart beat going, what's happening is I'm getting more blood flow to my brain and more oxygen.


  • And that's very, very important.


  • So, what do I do next?


  • I make my brain power smoothie.


  • And you're like, "Jim, what's a brain power smoothie?"


  • There are certain foods that are really great for your brain, and I teach people how to memorize these foods.

    脳にものすごくいい、ある特定の食材があるのですが、僕は (別の動画やサイトで) その覚え方もお教えしていますよ。

  • And what we do is, I just put them all in a blender, so certain foods like, like blueberries, right?


  • I call them brain berries.


  • They're things like avocado, very good for the brain also as well.


  • Obviously, hydration, and we will talk about all those ingredients in another video.


  • So, as I'm drinking my brain power smoothie, what am I doing?


  • I'm reading, right, 20, 30 minutes a day of dedicated reading, because the leaders are readers, and you're like, "Jim, I can't read a book a week."

    読書です。1 日に20~30 分、読書に集中します。リーダーというものは読書家なんです。「ジム、1 週間に 1 冊の本すら読めないよ」といういう方もいるでしょう。

  • Because the average person reads only about one or two books a year, but the CEO reads about four to six books a month, right?

    平均的な人で年に 1~2 冊しか読みませんからね。でもトップに立つ人は月に 4~6冊くらいは読書をしているんです。

  • So, you want to get to about a book a week.

    ですから、週に 1 冊くらいは本を読みたいものですね。

  • So, remember, first, you make your habits, and then your habits make you.


  • Design the first hour a day to be brain-friendly, and you'll win the rest of the day.

    目覚めてから最初の 1 時間を脳に良い事をする時間にしてください。そうすればその日は最高の 1 日になるでしょう。

Hello, Mindvalley Community.



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