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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • (keyboard clacking)


  • (suspenseful music)

    (サスペンス調のBGM )

  • - Trevor!

    - トレバ―!

  • (loudly gasps)


  • I'm you from the future.


  • (eerie music)


  • Tonight, actually, it doesn't matter.


  • You need to get to your anniversary date with Ann now.


  • - Wait, wait why?

    - 待って、待って。なんで?

  • - Because we're gonna be late, like we always are.

    - 俺たち遅刻だからだ。いつも通りね。

  • And she's gonna break up with you over it.


  • - Okay, and that?

    - おっけー。それは?

  • - It's red wine, man, she gets mad she throws it at you.

    - 赤ワイン。もうさ、彼女怒っちゃって、俺に投げつけてきてさ。

  • It's a whole thing, move!


  • - All right.

    - 分かった。

  • - Okay.

    - よし。

  • - I'm just gonna set my line up real quick.

    - ちょっと、メチャ急いでラインアップの設定するから。

  • - No, no lineup, we're run in seven let it go! Move.

    - ダメ、ラインアップとかなし。7時までに行くんだから、ほっとけよ。動け!

  • - All right!

    - 分かったよ!

  • (suspenseful music)


  • (shower softly runs)


  • - You taking a shower?

    - シャワー浴びてんの?

  • - It's cool man, dinner isn't for like thirty minutes.

    - 大丈夫だって。晩飯まで30分はあるだろ。

  • - It takes a minimum of thirty minutes to get there.

    - 着くまでに30分はかかるんだよ。

  • - Exactly.

    - そうだな。

  • - I know, in your mind that math might work, hell it works in my mind too, but it doesn't actually work.

    - お前の頭ん中ではその計算で正しいかもなんだけど、ま、俺ん中でもさ。でもそうはなんないんだって。

  • - All right, all right.

    - はい、はい。

  • - Okay, I'm going to text her, and buy us some time.

    - 分かった。メッセージ送って時間稼ぐから。

  • FML, stuck in traffic.


  • - White?

    - 白かな?

  • (creepy music)


  • - Sure, yeah!

    - もちろんだ!

  • - Pattern?

    - プリント柄?

  • (creepy music)


  • - Fine, good!

    - あぁ、いいよ!

  • - Plaid?

    - チェック柄?

  • (creepy music)


  • - Great, let's go!

    - 最高。ほら行くぞ!

  • - White, sure I had it the first time.

    - 白だな。最初に選んだし。

  • (creepy music)


  • Don't worry, I'm a be early.


  • - You've got to drive like a maniac okay?

    - メチャメチャ気を付けて運転しろよ。

  • (creepy music)


  • (car squeakingly swerves)


  • (car forcefully halts)


  • - Ah, damn it!

    - あぁ、ちくしょう!

  • (uncontrollable giggling)


  • - [Camera man] I didn't press record!

    - [カメラマン] 録音ボタン押してなかった!

  • - Trevor!

    - トレバ―!

  • (gasps)


  • - (beep) It's me, you, from the future

    - (ピー音) 俺は未来の俺だ。

  • well, tonight actually.


  • - [Camera man] Can you talk as your getting ready to walk?

    - [カメラマン] 歩き出そうとしながら話せる?

  • I can barely see it.


  • - Okay.

    - オッケー。

  • - [Camera man] Here we go.

    - [カメラマン] さぁいこう。

  • (gasps)


  • - Trevor its me, you, from the future!

    - トレバ―、俺は、未来から来た俺だ!

  • - Again?

    - また?

  • - Well, yes, okay, but this time it's a big deal.


  • - Are you in the shower?

    - シャワーに入ってんの?

  • - It's cool, dinner isn't for thirty minutes.

    - 大丈夫だって。晩飯まで30分はあるだろ。

  • - You're taking a shower?

    - シャワー浴びてんの?

  • - It's cool man, dinner isn't for another like, thirty minutes.

    - 大丈夫だって。晩飯まであと30分はあるだろ。

  • - [Camera man] Back in one.

    - [カメラマン] 戻ってくれる?

  • - Can you lean that, a little further?

    - もう少し傾いてくれる?

  • - It's cool man, dinner ain't for like thirty minutes.

    - 大丈夫だって。晩飯まで30分はあるだろ。

  • - [Camera Man] It's a minimum of thirty minutes away!

    - [カメラマン] ここから最低30分はかかるだろ!

  • - Exactly.

    - そうだね。

  • - All right, I'm a text her, to like buy us some time.

    - 分かった。メッセージ送って時間稼いでおく。

  • - I know in your mind that, sorry one more time.

    - お前の頭ん中… ごめん、もう 1 回。

  • I know in your mind, that makes sense okay it look, makes sense in my mind too, but the math doesn't actually work.


  • (beep)


  • I know in your mind, that makes sense, it makes sense to me too, but the math doesn't actually work.


  • (beep)


  • Sorry, one more.

    ごめん、もう 1 回!

  • (beep)


  • - [Camera Man] Action!

    - [カメラマン] アクション!

  • - Great, let's go!

    - 最高。行くぞ!

(keyboard clacking)


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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