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    この動画は Audible の提供でお送りします。

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    概要欄にあるリンクから 30 日間の無料トライアルをお試しいただき、オーディオブック、ポッドキャスト、そして Audible のオリジナルをお楽しみください。

  • These days, orange is the new black, pink is the old floyd, and white is having a major PR crisis.


  • But in Japan, green is the new blueand, also the old blue.


  • Well, really green is just the blue.


  • Let me explain.


  • You see, the Japanese word for blue is ao.

    日本語で Blue は「青」と言いますよね。

  • This blue car is called an aoi kuruma, the Blue Man Group is called aoi mangurupu, and if you were describing the color of the hottest muppet, you'd say he's aoi.


  • But here's where things get weird: what we'd call a granny smith apple, or green apple, or bad-tasting apple, they in Japan call an ao ringo: a blue apple.


  • And these, what we'd call green vegetables, ormy food's food,” they in Japan call ao yasai: blue vegetables.


  • So, why do Japanese people see green differently?


  • Well, it has nothing to do with eyeballs, eyes, or balls.


  • Instead, Japanese folk have a tendency to call green things blue because of the different ways that languages describe the very same colors we all see every day.


  • well, except for our colorblind friends, this episode could get a little dull for you if you can't differentiate blue and green, but I've kept this from you just about long enough for YouTube to count this as a view.

    まあ色盲の人みたいに青と緑の違いが分別できない人にとっては今回の話は少し退屈かも知れませんが、それでも Youtube が閲覧とみなすだけにちょうどいい長さに仕上げました。

  • Okay, so the ability for human's eyes to see and differentiate colors doesn't differ by culturepretty much across the board human eyes can distinguish about 7 million different color variations.

    さて、人間が異なる色を識別する能力というのは文化によっては左右されません。ほぼ一律に人間の目というのは 700 万種類の色の違いを見分けることが可能です。

  • But, no language has yet to come up with a name for all 7 million—I mean come on, English uses the same word for traffic issues, playing music, and melty fruit, you think we're gonna have different words for this color and this color?

    ところが 700 万種類の色を言い分けられる言語は存在しません。だって英語を考えたら、交通渋滞と音楽の演奏ととろける果物を全部同じ単語で表すわけですから、この色とこの色を違う言葉で表現すると思いますか?

  • Now, here in the US, we've essentially leaned on ROYGBIV to organize our basic color names for quite a while, ever since we lost the great American patriot Royland Grindlewald Biverston Jr. in the Rainbow Warsplus, of course, black and white, which we kept in good practice through old movies and racism.

    さてここアメリカでは基本的に偉大なアメリカの愛国者 Royland Grindlewald Biverston Jr. を Rainbow Wars で亡くして以来、ROYGBIV をベースに色を表現すると長い間教わってきましたし、もちろん昔の映画や人種差別の中で白と黒の違いには慣れています。

  • These basic colorsred, orange, yogurt, green, blue, indiegogo, viola, black, and whitehave given us, at least in our minds, a pretty standard set of distinct colors to describe the world around us.


  • But Japan never had a war hero like ROYGBIV, and despite more than one war trying to change this, Japanese is not English, so the language developed its own unique method of describing colors.

    しかし、日本には ROYGBIV のような戦争の英雄は存在しないうえ、2 回以上も状況を変えるべく争いが行われましたが日本語は英語とは違うので、日本語独自の色の表現の仕方を発達させたのです。

  • Way back in the day, when the Japanese language was just a tyke, it decided that, so as not to get too far ahead of itself, the language would begin with only four color words: white, black, red, and blue.


  • With only four words to describe the 7 million different visible shades of color, these four options had to do some heavy lifting.

    700 万種類ある色をたったの 4 種類の色で表現するわけですから、この 4 種の色には大きな負担がのしかかりました。

  • With no other words to do the trick, ao or blue, served as a catchall for all shades from green, through blue, and to indigo.


  • So, in function, blue was also green because blue was the best option to describe what we'd call green.


  • In addition to making Power Ranger meetings very confusing, this system eventually became untenable, and the Japanese language added a word for green, which you can see in the comments section, courtesy of people who decided to well actually me before they made it to this part of the video.


  • This word for green, midori, has actually been around for quite a while.

    Green を表す緑という言葉は実は長い間使われてきています。

  • That's because as Japanese got older, it got more complicated, and with more words came more colors… a lot more colors, five hundred more colors in fact—I mean just look at this Wikipedia list of traditional Japanese colors.

    なぜなら日本語の歴史が重なっていくにつれ、より複雑化しながら色を表す単語も増えてきて…実際のところ 500 色追加されたのですが、まあウィキペディアに載っている日本語で色を表す単語のリストを見てもらえば一目瞭然ですが。

  • These new colors didn't replace the four OGs though, but rather served as more accurate names for shades derived from the founding four.

    こういった新しい色の単語は、それまでの 4 つの基本色に取って代わるのではなく、その4色から派生したより正確な色合いを表すためのものとなったのです。

  • Thus, while Japanese technically had a new term in their vocab quiver to more precisely identify something as green and not blue, speakers still referred to green things as ao well into the 1900s until the US war-crimed them into thinking about colors like a 'Murican.

    従って、技術的には青ではなくて緑だと正確に言えるだけの単語が日本語に加わったのですが、実際に話される時には 1900 年代半ばに戦後統治を行ったアメリカ人が、西洋式に緑だと思い込ませるまで青のイメージで緑の物を捉えていました。

  • The transition began the same way all American imperialist propaganda does: with crayons, which first came to Japan in 1917.

    新しい歴史の始まりは、アメリカ国内で実施された帝国主義プロパガンダと同じように、1917 年に日本に初めて上陸したクレヨンを使って行われました。

  • Add in a cheeky American occupation after World War II, and Japan started to get on board with the western style of color thinkingthat it'd be handy to just have a handful of distinct color names, ROYGBIV-style, rather than hundreds of slightly different shades deriving from the fab four.

    第二次大戦後のアメリカ統治下の状況に加えて、日本という国が西洋式の色感覚を採り入れる中で、ROYGBIV スタイルの主要色に絞った方が基本 4 原色から派生した微妙に違う色の名前を使い分けるよりも便利だということになったのです。

  • Because of this, demarcation between blue and green has become more commonplace, but still, there's a long-lasting legacy of titles of green things that are identified as blue.


  • Whether it be calling inexperienced people blue horns, green apples blue apples, well-watered front yards blue lawns, using ao-ao not as a catcall but a description of lush greenery,


  • or the fact that despite a nearly global standard of green for go on traffic lights, Japan's green lights are more blue M&M than green M&M, if you follow my metaphor.

    または世界基準では進めの信号は緑ですが、日本の信号は M&M の緑というよりは M&M の青っていう感じです。意味わからないかもしれませんけど。

  • But having different methods of interpreting color and describing it through language isn't unique to Japanese or English.


  • If you were to head to the Ivory Coast and offer the riddle, “what's black, white, and red all over?” to some Wobé speakers,


  • they'd look at you weird for a second and then sayeverything,”


  • and you'd be left friendless because you didn't recognize that this culture only has three basic color names in their language, and because everybody hates guys who ask riddles.


  • Just ask Batman, or anybody who watched my trivia show.


  • In Russia, on the other hand, you, as an English speaker, would be thought of as a color simpleton, because while we just have onebluethat covers everything from sky blue to dark blue, they have two separate blues in their lexicon of primary colors.


  • So, in conclusion, in Japan green is blue, in the Ivory Coast blue is red, in Russia some blue isn't blue at all, and in the US blue is just blue.


  • But these color-name quirks are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the important differences in how languages work, and if you want to learn more then follow this link to start your thirty day free trial at Audible where you can explore countless audiobooks and entire courses on linguistics.

    でも、このような色の呼び方の違いというのは言語の仕組みを考える時に氷山の一角でしかないので、もっと詳しく学びたい場合はこのリンクから Audible の 30 日間無料トライアルをお試しいただき、たくさんのオーディオブックや言語学の本をチェックしてみて下さい。

  • Or, if you're looking for more on green, I suggest checking out Matthew McConoughey's new audiobook, Greenlights, which won't actually teach you much about the color green, but will, through engaging story-telling and McConoughey's silky narration, provide insights on how to live a full, engaged, and inspired lifeand the ratings say it's pretty good.

    もしくは、緑に関する本であれば Matthew McConoughey の新しいオーディオブック Greenlights なんかは、まあ別に緑色については何も書かれていないんですけど、それでも心に響いて耳に心地いい McConoughey さんのナレーションで人生をいかにして刺激にあふれて満喫するかを学ぶことができ、評価もなかなか高いようです。

  • You can listen to Greenlights or absolutely any audiobook for free when you sign up for a 30-day trial of Audible Premium Plus at or by texting HAI to 500-500, but, for those hardcore audio entertainment consumers, there's now a new option.

    Greenlights やその他のどんなオーディオブックでも、 にサインアップしたり 500-500 に HAI とテキストすることでAudible Premium Plus の30日間無料トライアルを通して聞くことができますけど、さらに熱心なオーデイオエンターテインメント愛好家の皆さんには新しいオプションも用意されています。

  • Audible Plus, which is included in Audible Premium Plus, gives you unlimited access to the Plus catalogue of Audiobooks, podcasts, Audible originals, and more so you can really fill up your days with learning and entertainment through your ears.

    Audible Premium Plus に含まれている Audible Plus は、Plus カタログに入っているオーディオブック、ポッドキャスト、オリジナルコンテンツなどを無制限で聞くことができ、1 日のヒマな時間を簡単に埋めて学んで楽しむことができるようになっています。

  • So, once again, to get a 30-day free trial of either Audible Plus or Premium Plus, head to or text HAI to 500-500, and you'll be helping support the channel while you're at it.

    ですから、繰り返しますが にサインアップしたり 500-500 に HAI とテキストすることで Audible Premium Plus の30 日間無料トライアルをお試しいただけますが、そうすることで同時にこのチャンネルをサポートすることにもつながります。

This video was made possible by Audible.

この動画は Audible の提供でお送りします。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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