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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • There are some words that are just hard to pronounce.


  • Forget being a non-native speaker. Americans can't even get these words right.

    ネイティブの私たちでさえ 間違うこともあります

  • Today, we're going to go over 14 of the most commonly mispronounced words in American English.

    間違った発音をされる  14のアメリカ英語を紹介します

  • The other night, I was watching Netflix.

    先日Netflixを 観ていたときのことです

  • It was a documentary, Ugly Delicious episode 2.

    ドキュメンタリー番組の 『Ugly Delicious』で

  • And I saw a native speaker completely mispronounce a word.

    ネイティブが間違って 発音をする場面がありました

  • Excuse me?


  • I actually had to go back and turn on the subtitles to make sure he was saying the word

    字幕を出して 発音を確認しました

  • I thought he was saying, but mispronouncing it.

    彼が間違った 発音をしたと思ったからです

  • He was. How is that? How is it that Americans mispronounce words in their own language?

    やはり誤発音でした なぜネイティブが発音を間違えるのか

  • It's because sometimes, we learn words from reading, not from hearing them used.

    それは私たちが 読むことから音を学ぶからです

  • And English is not a phonetic language. The letters do not correspond one-to-one with the sounds.

    英語は音声言語とちがい 文字と音が一致しない言語です

  • So we can see a word and guess the pronunciation, and maybe be wrong.

    目で見て音を推測するので 音を間違うことも

  • Someone who reads a lot may learn lots of words that they've never heard pronounced.

    読書家は発音の知らない単語に よく出会うことでしょう

  • So it's actually really easy for native speakers to mispronounce a word.

    ネイティブが間違った 発音をするのはよくあることです

  • This word is 'echelon', not echelon. But echelon was a good guess.

    この単語は「エシャロン」で エクロンではありません

  • Because the CH can be pronounced K or CH or SH. In this case, it's the SH sound, not the K sound.

    ch の発音は k ch sh で この単語では k ではなくsh です

  • But there would be no way to know that just by looking at the word.

    見ただけでは 正確な音は分かりません

  • So the first word today is going to be...

    最初に学ぶのは この単語ーー

  • Echelon.

    「echelon/’ɛ ʃ ə, lɑn/」です

  • Echelon. Try that with me. Echelon.

    ɛ ʃ ə lɑn 一緒にどうぞ

  • By the way, if you're wondering what the heck these symbols are, they're the international phonetic alphabet symbols.


  • They match up to the sounds of English because the letters of English don't.

    これは国際発音記号(IPA)といい 発音を示すものです

  • If you want to know more about them, if you want to learn them for American English,

    IPAについて 詳しく学びたい方のために

  • I'll put a link to my playlist that goes over them below.

    コメント欄に リンクを貼っておきます

  • Oh my gosh, you guys. I just went to Youglish just to see if I could find anyone else saying 'Echelon'.

    Youglish でも echelon の 間違いを見つけてしまいました

  • I typed it in and I found another guy mispronouncing this word, only mispronouncing it in a different way.

    ある男性が誤った言い方を している動画がありました

  • I did not expect to find that.


  • So he said 'Echelon' with the CH sound, also a good guess, also not the way that word is pronounced.

    「エチュロン」と言っていますが 正しい発音ではありません

  • So that word only has one pronunciation listed in the dictionary and it's Echelon. Echelon.

    辞書に載っている発音は一つ 「echelon/’ɛ ʃ ə, lɑn/」で sh の音です

  • If you're unfamiliar with the word Echelon, it means a group or a level within an organization or a larger group.

    この単語は企業や大きな団体における グループや階層を意味します

  • We're looking to hire the best people who are in the upper echelon of their fields.

    例:弊社は経験に長けた 「幹部」レベルの人材を探しています

  • The other day, I was talking to David about the Metropolitan Opera.

    メトロポリタン歌劇場について 話していたとき

  • I said it's so cool to live so close to such an upper echelon Opera House.

    upper echelonという言葉で 「最高峰」の歌劇場を表現しました

  • Hearing the wrong pronunciation of Echelon on Netflix got me thinking about the words I've mispronounced

    Echelon 以外の 間違った発音にも興味がわき

  • in my life. So I posted to Facebook to ask my friends about words they've said incorrectly,

    Facebookに投稿して 友人にこう質問してみました

  • or weren't sure how to say maybe because they learned them from reading.

    間違った発音をしたり 発音が不明な単語はありますか

  • One friend said 'chaos'. He thought it was chaos, the CH letter is making a CH sound.

    ある友人はchaosの発音は 「チェオス」だと思っていました

  • Again those letters CH, they can be tricky, just like in Echelon.

    Echelon と同じように ch の音に引っかかったのです

  • So here, we'll study a list of words I've heard mispronounced by native speakers.

    ネイティブが間違って発音した 単語を学んでいきましょう

  • I've mispronounced them myself or my friends have admitted to mispronouncing.

    私自信あるいは友人が 過去に間違った発音をした単語です

  • This one is from my friend Lowell, reading out loud in class in the 6th grade, he said 'schedule'.

    Lowellは中学生のとき 授業中に「schedule」をーー

  • Ok so he mixed up the L and the D, and he also didn't make a K sound. Sk, sk. Schedule. Schedule.

    「シュルードゥ」と読みました L と Dが入れ替り Kは発音されません

  • So SCH is often S Plus K sound, sk, like in school. But not always,

    sch は school のように sとkで発音されますが

  • for example, when it's followed by another consonant, then it's going to be an SH sound like: schlep.

    子音を伴うときは ʃlɛp のように sh で発音します

  • Schlep has two meanings: to halt or carry something. I have to schlep my groceries up four flights of stairs.

    schlepには2つの意味があります 物を「運ぶ」という意味と

  • Or it can be a tedious or long journey. It takes me an hour to get to work on the subway,

    仕事先まで1時間かかるうえに 2回乗り換えで長旅だった

  • and I have to make two transfers so it's a schlep.

    といったような 「退屈な長旅」の意味です

  • Now, the word schedule. That's the word that my students have requested a lot.

    scheduleは生徒から 多くの質問を受けるので

  • So I do have a video that goes over how to pronounce that word in detail.

    発音を詳しく説明している 動画を別に作成しました

  • I'll link to it at the end or you can see the link in the video description.

    リンクを貼るので 確認してみてくださいね

  • Here, I found one that even the guy in the dictionary mispronounces.

    辞書の音声にも 間違った発音がありました

  • Its acai.

    「acai/æs aɪ'i/」 アクセントは後ろです

  • Now, I get it. When words come to us from other languages, it can be really hard, but come on.

    借用語は発音が 複雑になるのも理解できますが

  • This one is written with stress on the last syllable. Its acai, not acai.

    「æs aɪ'i」のストレスは 前ではなく後ろに置かれます

  • Do you know this? It's a berry supposed to be very very good for you. Often put in smoothies.

    アサイーはベリーの一種で スムージーによく使われます

  • And yes, I've definitely heard Americans pronounce this acai.

    アメリカ人がよく 「アカイ」と発音していますよね

  • I mean, with the letters, that pronunciation would make sense in English. But it's acai.

    文字で考えれば納得できますが 正しい発音は「アサイー」です

  • This next one I have definitely mispronounced before. Just like Lowell did with schedule.

    Lowellがscheduleを間違えたように 私も誤って発音した単語があります

  • I think we mispronounce it because in our minds, we switch some of the letters. We think it's spelled like this:

    原因は頭のなかで 音を書き換えてしまうからです

  • so we say, mischievious. But it's not that, it's: mischievous.

    この単語は「mischievious」と 発音されがちですがーー

  • It's not hard to find examples of people mispronouncing this word.

    正しくは「'mɪs tʃə vəs」です 誤発音の動画を見てみましょう

  • Mischievous. But remember, no, that's not it, that's wrong. It's just three syllables. It's mischievous.

    mischieviousではありません 「mɪs・tʃə・vəs」の3音節です

  • Mischievous. If you're not familiar with this word, it means playful but maybe doing something a little bad.

    この単語には いたずらっぽさが含まれます

  • My new puppy is a little mischievous, he's always eating my shoes.

    例:飼い始めた子犬が「やんちゃ」で いつも靴ばかり噛んでるの

  • Now, this one again, for some reason, some native speakers add an extra syllable. The word is: Triathlon.

    次も余計な音節をともなって 発音されがちの単語ーー

  • Yes, I myself am guilty of mispronouncing this word. I used to say Triath-uh-lon,

    「triathlon/tɹaɪˈæθ lɑn」です 私も間違って発音していました

  • adding an extra syllable after TH. Triath-uh- Triath-uh-lon. I bet if you pulled 10 Americans, at least

    thのあとに音節を加えて Triath-uh-lonと発音していたんです

  • half of them would think that that's how it's pronounced. They'd probably misspell it, too, putting in an extra A.

    thの後にaを加えた 表記ミスもあるかもしてません

  • But it's not four syllables, it's three. Tri-ath-lon. Triathlon. A triathlon is a race, swimming, biking, and running.

    Triathlonは3音節で発音される 水泳・自転車・マラソンの耐久競技です

  • All right, the next one is an example from my own life. I was in the tenth grade, Geography class,

    次は高校の地理の授業で 私自信が経験した間違いです

  • I can't remember what I was talking about but I used this word: facade.

    詳しくは思い出せないのですが 間違えた単語はーー

  • But that's not how I said it I said: facade. Barricade. Cascade. Decade.

    「facade/fə 'sɑd/」です 私はファケイドと言いました

  • Facade made sense, but that's not the pronunciation. Facade.

    barricade cascade decade ファケイドで合っていそうですが

  • The C is the S sound, that's not uncommon, it's S in lots of words like circle and city. Facade.

    circleやcityと同様に cはsの音として発音されます

  • I have two friends who said they were unsure of how to pronounce these two words: vague and vogue.

    2人の友人が 分かりにくいと言ったのはーー

  • Vague and vogue. Kirk wasn't sure if vague should be vague, or vague.

    vague と vogueです Kirk は vague がヴェイグなのか

  • And he says he still gets nervous saying it, but it's AY like in day, say, way, AY. Vague is the right way.

    ヴァグなのか悩んでいましたが day と同じで ei の発音「veɪg」です

  • Now. Catherine worked in fashion so I'm pretty sure she figured out how to say Vogue.

    ファッション業界にいたCathorineには vogue は馴染みがありそうですが

  • But I can see how the U and E at the end makes this pronunciation a little confusing. Vague and vogue.

    ue で終わる単語は複雑ですよね 発音は「veɪg」と「voʊg」です

  • Something that is vague is something that's not clear, not clearly defined, stated or explained.

    vague は物事の不確かさや あいまいさを意味します

  • I'm trying to put together some furniture but these instructions are pretty vague.

    例:家具を組み立てたいんだけど この説明書は「分かりにくいわ」

  • If something is vogue, then it's popular or fashionable.

    vogue は流行や 人気があるものを意味します

  • I can't believe scrunchies are in vogue again.

    例:シュシュ(髪ゴム)が 「流行ってる」なんて信じられない

  • Speaking of that UE at the end of a word, like vague and vogue, what about this word?

    vague や vogue のほかにも ue で終わる単語にーー

  • Queue.


  • That looks like too many letters, doesn't it? My aunt said she had heard different pronunciations of this word

    おばはqueueが 色々な言われ方をするので

  • and she wasn't sure how to say it so she had to look it up. So if you're a non-native speaker, and

    発音を調べたそうです 非ネイティブスピーカーの皆さんは

  • you're feeling bad about not knowing the pronunciation of a word when you read it,

    発音が分からない単語があると 自信を失うかもしれませんが

  • don't worry native speakers have that same problem. This word is: Queue, just like saying the letter Q out loud.

    気にする必要はありません ネイティブも同じなのですから

  • Queue, it also has the same pronunciation as this word: cue.

    発音はアルファベットのQと同じで 「cue」も同じ発音です

  • Queue is a line. Queue up to try to get tickets to the show. Cue is a signal. C-U-E.

    列を表す言葉で queue upで列に並ぶという意味です

  • For example, if you're at someone's house in the evening. And they keep yawning,

    cue の意味はシグナルです 友人宅で友達があくびを始めたら

  • that might be your cue to go home. I have two more with QUE.

    それは家に帰るシグナルかも -que の単語を2つ紹介します

  • My sister-in-law said she used to think this word was 'antique'.

    1つ目は義妹が間違って 発音した単語ーー

  • But that's not it, it's antique. And a friend of mine once heard someone say this word as 'boutique',

    「antique/æn ’tɪk/」です 2つ目は友人が間違った単語ーー

  • but it's not, it's boutique. So does every word that ends in IQUE pronounced this way?

    「boutique/bu 'tɪk/」です -que の発音はすべて k でしょうか

  • Antique, boutique, critique, physique, unique?

    antique boutique critique physique uniqueーー

  • No, not quite. We also have applique, and communiqué, so they don't all follow that rule.

    そうとは限らないのです applique や communiqueは eɪ です

  • An antique is something that's old, maybe a rare, high-end quality, used to describe furniture from another era.

    antique は古くて希少なもの 年代物の家具を意味します

  • This antique desk belonged to my grandmother.

    例:この「アンティーク」デスクは 祖母のものです

  • A boutique describes a small fashionable business.

    boutique は小規模で 独創的なビジネスを意味します

  • A boutique hotel for example doesn't have a lot of rooms, and each room is really individual

    ブティックホテルといえば 独創性に富んだ少数の個室を

  • and tastefully done.

    備えるホテルを意味します 次の単語はーー

  • Our next word is artisanal. My friend said she once had to correct a smart, smart friend who had said: artisanal.

    「artisanal/ɑɹ'tɪ zən əl/」で ストレスは後ろではなく前です

  • Stress can be tricky. There aren't many rules about it. This word does have second syllable stress.

    ストレスは厄介ですが この単語では第2音節に置かれます

  • Artisanal. Something that is 'artisanal' is something handmade, often in a traditional way.

    artisanal は伝統的な方法で 手作りされたものを意味します

  • Artisanal bread. Artisanal cheese. Something handmade in a small batch,

    Artisanal bread や Artisanal cheese といえば自家製で

  • different from something made in a factory. Artisanal.

    工場で作られたものでは ないことを意味します

  • Next is cognac.

    次の単語は 「cognac/ˈkoʊn ˌjæk/」です

  • My friend Emily said: I said it loudly at a party, and the room got very quiet.

    Emilyはパーティーの場を 静まり返らせてしまったそうです

  • I thought it was pronounced Cogganack.

    彼女は「コグナック」と 言いました

  • I can see why she thought that, look at the letters. Cognac. But it's cognac, cognac.

    文字を見るかぎりでは そう発音したのも納得ですが

  • Cognac is a very high quality brandy.

    正しくは「ˈkoʊn ˌjæk」で 高級品のブランデーを意味します

  • Next is: draught.

    次の単語は 「draught/dɹæft/」です

  • This word is confusing because it looks like it should be the pronunciation of this word: drought,

    draught は drought と 似ていて紛らわしいですね

  • the one with OU is pronounced drought, the one with AU is pronounced draught.

    drought の ou は aʊ で draught の au は æ です

  • Draught is common because beer in kegs is called draught beer, and a lot of people prefer drinking that

    draught は生ビールの ドラフトで知られていますね

  • to beer that's bottled or a canned.

    ビールは瓶や缶よりも やはりドラフトが人気です

  • Drought with OU is a long period with little or no rain. And then there's another word that sounds just like draft,

    aʊ の drought は 雨が降らない干ばつを意味します

  • but it's spelled differently, DRAFT, which means something that's not in its final form.

    draught と音が同じで 綴りが違う draft は下書きを意味します

  • I wrote a first draft of my paper. Draught. Drought. Draft.

    例:最初の「下書き」を書きました draught drought draft

  • And what is up with this word? Colonel.

    次の単語は理解不能な 「Colonel/ˈkɜ ɹ nəl/」です

  • Where's the R? This is the only word in English that I can think of that has an R sound, but no letter R.

    綴りにはない R が発音される 私が考えつく唯一の単語です

  • The letters of this word make no sense for the way it's pronounced.

    綴りがまったく 意味をなさない単語です

  • A friend of mine told me she pronounce this word 'colonel', of course, it makes sense,

    友人は学校のプレゼンで 「コロネル」と言ったそうです

  • in a presentation in school. I think many people have that same story.

    彼女のほかにも 多くの人が経験してると思います

  • A colonel is a rank in the military. Colonel.

    colonel は軍隊における 大佐を意味します

  • And finally...


  • So we need it now, I can never say this. Worcestershire?

    「Worcestershire/ˈwʊs təɹ ʃəɹ/」です

  • We have the word: Worcestershire.

    過去の説明動画を 振り返ってみましょう

  • This word is so weird. I actually talked about this in a previous video. Let's check it out.

    ブリティッシュ英語の 発音が残る数少ない言葉です

  • This is one of the few cases where we're actually retaining British English pronunciation.

    この単語はイギリスの都市 Worcester で生まれました

  • This sauce was first made in the city of Worcester England.

    shire は州を意味しています

  • Shire, is the British equivalent to our counties here in America, so this sauce is simply named

    Worcestershire は New Hampshire のように州を意味する言葉です

  • for the region from which it comes. Worcestershire, where 'shire' sounds just like the state name

    最初の R は発音しません 母音は push と同じ wʊ です

  • New Hampshire.

    まず唇を強めにすぼめ 緩めたあとも形は丸くキープします

  • So we drop the first R, and the vowel in that syllable is the UH as in push vowel. Wuh-- wuh--


  • so the lips will start in a tight circle, and then they'll relax a bit out, but we still went a little bit of round

    そのあとにストレスのない音節 stəɹ ʃəɹ が続きます

  • for that vowel. Wuh-- wuh-- this is the stressed syllable.

    低い音で短い音です wʊ のあとには stの子音がきます

  • Then we have two unstressed syllables. Stershire-- stershire-- stershire--

    歯をせまく閉じて S の音を作ったら 口蓋に舌を触れて T の音を作ります

  • So they can be lower in pitch, and quicker. So we have the ST consonant cluster, worcest-- st-- st--

    2つのシュワ ə で アゴは落とす必要はありません

  • So your teeth need to come together for the S sound, tongue will go to the roof of the mouth for the T.

    əɹ に挟まれた sh/ʃ/ の音では 舌が少し前に移動しますが

  • Worcestershire. Now the second two syllables have the schwa, so we need basically no jaw drop for those.


  • Worcestershire. Tershire. To make the SH sound between the two UR sounds,

    歯は狭めたままで息を吐き 唇はアヒル口にします

  • the tongue will come forward a little bit, but the tongue tip still doesn't need to be touching anything,

    3音節の DA-da-da です ˈwʊ stəɹ ʃəɹ

  • and your teeth will stay together, Shh, and your lips will flare. Worcestershire.

    最初の R は発音しません 最後のシュワ ə の音を忘れずに

  • So it's just three syllables. Da-da-da. Worcestershire.

    shire をシャイアと言う人もいますが New Hanpshire と同じで

  • Don't pronounce that first R, and also make sure you put the schwa in the last syllable.

    シュワ ə の音です

  • Some people will want to say Shire, but just like the State New Hampshire,

    心当たりのあった単語は コメントに書いてくださいね

  • shire, shire, it's a schwa in that last syllable.

    schedule について リンクを貼ると言いましたが

  • What words have you mispronounced or heard mispronounced?

    動画をまとめたシリーズ 「Word of the Week」があります

  • Put it in the comments. Okay, earlier I promised you a link to the word 'schedule'.

    学習者から質問のあった 単語の発音を説明しています

  • I actually had a series going for a while called Word of the Week, where I made a video on how to pronounce

    この画面に リンクを貼りました

  • a specific word that someone out there had requested. All sorts of good words for non-native speakers.

    サブスクライブを忘れずに 新しい動画配信は毎週火曜日です

  • I'm going to link to that playlist here.

    皆さんに英語を教えることは 私の情熱です

  • Be sure to subscribe and come check me out every Tuesday, where you'll get a new video on the English language.


  • I love teaching you English, thank you for being here with me.

  • That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

There are some words that are just hard to pronounce.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます