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  • No one is noticing this?!?

  • These kids are buggin out,

  • because once I would've seen the red sh*t…

  • I'm out.

  • Hi, I'm Alejandro.

  • Chris.

  • Taylor.

  • Kaley.

  • Andy.

  • And I've never seen

  • never seen

  • never seen 'Jaws.'

  • 'Jaws' is about people, they're on a beach

  • there's a lot of taco meat, lot of chest hair.

  • A big ass shark...

  • I don't know if it's mutated or like...

  • possessed.

  • Jaws goes like that or whatever

  • He has massive... jaws!

  • Yeah, I think it's just about people dying.

  • I'm ready to swim, Jim!

  • (Offscreen) I'm totally messing with you. That's not in it.

  • I know you've got a lot of problems downtown, but

  • Oh, this is an old movie.

  • Everyone's tan. Where is this, the Jersey Shore?

  • Also, this man's face is far too close to the camera.

  • Ah, sh*t… Awwww...

  • Tricked me. Thought she got eaten.

  • These young kids horsin' around!

  • This is like the little boy who cried wolf.

  • It's really going to happen this time.

  • Oh, is that the shark?

  • Ok, here's the classic music.

  • Ok, we're seeing the shark's POV. We're seeing legs

  • They look delicious to the shark.

  • Uh-oh!

  • There's someone swimming

  • ♪ (singing Jaws Theme) ♪

  • Is that it?

  • Oh shit, he really bit her.

  • That's a lot of blood.

  • Blood! Blood everywhere.

  • There's blood everywhere!

  • Is that really how shark attacks happen?

  • That definitely like doesn't happen, just 'blurb.'

  • No one is noticing this?!?

  • Yeah, these kids are buggin out,

  • because once I would've seen the red sh*t…

  • I'm out.

  • Shark's have 300 teeth. You only have 34.

  • They're not going very fast.

  • They're kind of like, 'Oh no….'

  • Ah, shit! She can't find her kid.

  • Where's Jimmy?

  • That is sad.

  • Ewwww.

  • Oh my god, no! This is worse than the shark!

  • Go on, stop it!

  • That's not how you get people's attention.

  • I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't going to be easy.

  • I can't understand him.

  • Sounds Australian? British possibly?

  • Seekingtenderizing

  • He doesn't have good manners.

  • He's talking with his mouth full.

  • I don't trust him.

  • That man was born on a boat.

  • You can just tell.

  • I thought the same thing I thought when the movie began

  • He ain't sh*t

  • Come on down and chum some of this sh*t!

  • Huh!

  • Holy shit!

  • The guy on the boat literally just stood up and did nothing.

  • What?

  • No one has a reaction when the shark comes up! I don't understand.

  • You're going to need a bigger boat.

  • Ah, you guys are going to need a lot more than a bigger boat.

  • You're going to need a better captain, because you're a wimp.

  • They're looking kinda nervous.

  • I bet you he's going to be the first one to die.

  • The shark's getting closer.

  • There she is. Is there only one shark?

  • Like it's 'the' shark?

  • We'll call her Bessie.

  • Literally went like 'blaaaaow!' Destroyed it.

  • It's a pretty good shark. I believe it.

  • She's sinking you guys.

  • Right heretrying not to getOh, nope.

  • Somebody help him, somebody help him

  • He's kicking him with hisReally? Oh!

  • Ewp.

  • Not coming back from that...

  • Uh-uh, uh-uh

  • Ewww.

  • He's half in the mouth. Just writhing around.

  • No music going on. Just like 'aaaaahhhh.'

  • Doesn't all the extra shit that the shark is eating

  • mess up the taste of the humans?

  • No one has peeped a word.

  • I think his friend probably should have helped him.

  • You're right! He could have at least threw something at him.

  • Like, 'Stop!'

  • It's seem as though that you don't die

  • on the first bite.

  • He almost just like slid into the mouth very slowly.

  • He was literally just like, 'Oh no…'

  • Yeah, I mean my heart is kinda beating.

  • I think this plot doesn't make any sense.

  • I felt no emotion.

  • I feel like everyone was just kind of like

  • I still don't get it!

  • I don't think a shark is like on a mission

  • to attack a certain group of people.

  • People of America!

  • If you don't want big sharks like that,

  • recycle,

  • don't put plastics in the ocean,

  • don't put antibiotics in the ocean.

  • This is what happened.

  • That's what 'Jaws' is about.

  • Alright, we got this.

  • You're going to need a bigger boat.

No one is noticing this?!?


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ジョーズを見たことがない:「ジョーズ」に初めて反応した人たち - NowThis (Never Seen Jaws: People React to 'Jaws' For the First Time | NowThis)

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    naomi に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日