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  • So here's a question why don't most New Yorkers own a car?


  • I have a Moped, its fun. I just ride a bike. I ride this!!


  • So Sam why don't you own a car? -Because I live in New York!


  • So in this video we are gonna find out why the majority of most New Yorkers do not own a car.


  • Let's start with the facts.


  • New York is crowded there are 27,000 people per square mile in New York City making it one of the most densely populated cities on earth.

    ニューヨークは過密状態にあります。1 平方マイルあたり 27,000 人という、地球上でもっとも高い人口密度の 1 つに数えられます。

  • For perspective about one in every 38 people living in the United States lives in New York.

    ちなみに、アメリカに住む人のうち、38 人に 1 人はニューヨーク在住ということになります。

  • With that said driving in the city it can be stressful and you can't get any work done driving a car.


  • In a place like New York time is money.


  • Nationally 86% drive to work compared with only 28% of New Yorkers that drives work.

    通勤に車を使う人の割合は、アメリカ全土では 86 % に対し、ニューヨークではたった 28 % です。

  • Cars are expensive to own in the city.


  • Insurance costs are through the roof. Are there even gas stations in Manhattan?


  • How many gas stations are in Manhattan? 50.


  • This is one of the 50 gas stations in Manhattan.

    これは、マンハッタンにある 50 のガソリンスタンドのうちの1つです。

  • I'm not quite sure the national average price of gas because I haven't had a car in over ten years but it's a pretty safe bet that this is probably far more than the price that you're paying wherever you're watching this from.

    僕は 10 年以上車を持っていないので、全国のガソリンの平均価格がいくらか、よく分かりません。でも、あなたがこのビデオを見ている場所と比べたら、ニューヨークのガソリン価格は大幅に高いと思いますよ。

  • So now your car is all fueled up.


  • The next question where do you park it.


  • Long-term parking in the city is some of the most expensive in the world.


  • While on the other hand that street parking is the pain in the ass with changing rules tickets they're inevitable most likely your car will get ruined.


  • Unless your parking your sports car on a rooftop overlooking Midtown.


  • Kidding this this isn't my car. So what do you do instead it?


  • There's plenty of ways to get around this great city that don't require you to own a car.


  • So the first is obviously a taxi they are everywhere but during morning rush hour even in New York City Taxi can be hard to come by.


  • You're better off just walking. About 10% of New Yorkers walk to work.

    歩いた方が良いですよ。ニューヨーカーの 10 % は、歩いて出勤します。

  • If you're lucky enough to live in walking distance to your office nothing beats leaving your apartment and hitting the pavement.


  • Just because you're walking it doesn't mean you're immune to the traffic.


  • With over 300,000 pedestrians passing through Times Square daily.

    タイムズスクエアは、毎日 30 万人の歩行者が歩きますからね。

  • You're definitely going to get up and close with a few strangers on your commute to work. Hello!


  • The subway is by far the most popular choice when it comes to getting around New York.


  • With 55% of all commuters in the city using public transportation.

    ニューヨークの通勤者の 55 % が、公共交通機関を利用しています。

  • The New York subway system it may be old but it's one of the most reliable in the entire world with over 840 miles of subway tracks.

    ニューヨークの地下鉄は古いかもしれませんが、線路は全長 840 マイル超あり、世界でも最も信頼できるシステムの 1 つです。

  • Now in my opinion of biking is the fastest way to get around the city but only one percent of New Yorkers commute via bike and there's a few reasons for that low number.

    僕としては、最も速く移動できるのは自転車だと思いますが、自転車通勤をするのはたった 1 % です。この低い数字には、いくつか理由があります。

  • The city isn't exactly biker friendly there are bike lanes but they are usually more dangerous than the actual road.


  • For a bit of a more in-depth look at why bike lanes aren't necessarily the safest.


  • Go check out Casey Neistat viral video titled bike lanes.


  • I think that was made in 2012 but so now six years later and the bike lane problem well it really hasn't changed much.

    このビデオは、たしか 2012 年に作られました。6 年経った今でも、自転車レーンの問題は、あまり変化していません。

  • Another way to get around the city is by using rideshare apps like uber lyft and a new one called Juno which in my opinion are the most convenient and stress-free ways to get around the city.

    ニューヨークを移動するもう 1 つの手段は、ウーバー、リフト、そして新たに加わったジュノなどの、ライドシェアアプリを使うことです。僕は、これらが最も便利でストレスフリーな方法だと思います。

  • You just walked out of that Broadway show or you're in a crowded area like Times Square it can be difficult for your driver to find you.


  • Some of these apps have features where you can have your phone light up a certain color and the driver is notified to what color you have so you're easy to spot in a crowd.


  • The only real drawback to rideshare apps is the price surge.


  • During rush hour the surge can sometimes be triple the actual cost of the ride.

    ラッシュアワーだと、料金の急騰により、実際の乗車コストの 3 倍の値段がかかることもあります。

  • Living in New York City can be challenging it can be stressful and of course expensive but for every problem there's always a solution.


  • I hope you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe for more high-quality New York City content and with that I will see you in the next one.


So here's a question why don't most New Yorkers own a car?


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