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  • So since I'm stuck at home a lot these days, I thought I would share one of my

    だから私はたくさん家にいるので 日、私は私の1つを共有すると思いました

  • favorite Japanese recipes. It's tatsuta age. But it's kind of like my version of tatsuta age.

    好きな日本のレシピ。龍田年齢です。 でも私のバージョンの龍田時代のようなものです。

  • It's a little bit of a healthier version and tatsuta age is usually deep-fried

    それは少し健康的なバージョンです 龍田年齢は通常揚げ物です

  • but I decided to use less oil and just pan-fry it with a little bit of oil.

    しかし、私はより少ないオイルを使用することにしました 油で少し炒めます

  • And a lot of Japanese recipes call for the same type of ingredients.

    そして多くの日本のレシピは 同じ種類の材料について。

  • Sake is one of them and sake you can get at any liquor store or any Asian store.

    日本酒はその一つであり、あなたができる日本酒 酒屋やアジアの店に行きましょう。

  • They have a cooking sake as well if you're not of age.

    彼らは料理酒を持っています 年齢に達していないのなら

  • I like to go to a liquor store and just get a big bottle because I use sake a lot for my cooking


  • and it's cheaper.


  • Aji-mirin, which is a little bit on the sweeter side. You just need a little bit of this.

    少し甘い味みりん。 これが少し必要です。

  • And... that was backwards... and soy sauce.


  • We need some corn starch or potato starch if you can find it but usually corn starch is a lot easier to find


  • so I always use cornstarch. It works just fine.


  • Boneless, skinless chicken thighs.


  • Chicken thighs is what I use a lot for my Japanese recipes.

    鶏もも肉を使っています 日本のレシピにはたくさんあります。

  • It just has more flavor in it.


  • And then you'll need ginger


  • and some green onions. You don't have to have green onions but it could be for garnish on top


  • but it actually adds a lot of flavor to it too. Or a different kind of flavor.

    でもそれは実際にそれに多くの味を加えます。 または別の種類の味。

  • You're gonna need a bowl to marinate your chicken in


  • and so the chicken thighs... this is a little over a pound. I think I usually get packs that are a pound and a half

    だから鶏もも肉...これは少しポンド以上です。 私は通常、ポンド半のパックを手に入れると思います

  • and it lasts me for two or three meals.


  • Even though it's skinless and boneless, it still has some of the fat... I still sometimes feel little chunks of bone...


  • I just go in and take off the excessive fat. I'll leave some fat on.

    私は入って、余分な脂肪を取り除きます。 少し太ったままにしておきます。

  • Get the gross looking stuff I want to say.


  • And also to flatten it out a bit so it'll cook evenly.


  • So that's one piece. I just like to make it clean.


  • So now, we're going to marinate the chicken. Soy sauce, use two tablespoons.

    それでは、鶏肉をマリネします。 醤油、大さじ2を使います。

  • I usually just eye this now because I'm so used to it. I really cook this all the time.

    私は慣れているので、今はいつもこれに目を向けています。 私はいつもこれを料理しています。

  • Sake, I also put maybe a tablespoon and a half.


  • You can put two tablespoons if you want but a tablespoon and a half will probably be good.


  • And the mirin... or the aji-mirin... I will put a tablespoon.


  • That's it for that.


  • And then, I'm going to grate some ginger.


  • So I Iike the Asian graters... or this is from Japan... or actually the Korean store

    だからアジアのおろし金をいいね...またはこれは日本からです... または実際に韓国の店

  • I think I got this at the Korean store. The Japanese graters I like a lot better.

    韓国店で買ったと思います。 日本のおろし金は私がとても好きです。

  • If you live near a Daiso store, I'm sure you can find one of these too.

    ダイソー店の近くにお住まいならきっと これらの1つも見つけることができます。

  • They just come out so much better. So you'll need the ginger

    彼らはちょうどとても良く出てきます。 だから生姜が必要になります

  • and I use this plastic peeler to take the skin away. You can use a regular peeler too but I use a plastic one

    そして、このプラスチックの皮むき器を使って皮膚を取り除きます。 普通の皮むき器も使えますが、私はプラスチックの皮むき器を使います

  • because I've cut myself several times. I've also seen people use a spoon to take the skin off of ginger.


  • And you just grate some.


  • And this really depends. I would say a tablespoon. If you really like ginger maybe do two tablespoons

    そして、これは本当に依存します。私は大さじを言うでしょう。 あなたが本当に生姜が好きなら多分大さじ2杯をする

  • or tablespoon and a half.


  • I just eye it. I usually do probably about a tablespoon.


  • So that's with the ginger and the soy sauce and all those other ingredients.

    それは生姜と醤油です 他のすべての成分。

  • So then I usually get chopsticks and I just swish it around.

    それで私はいつも箸を使います それを振り回してください。

  • You can use a fork too, of course. Or tongs.


  • And just let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.


  • Also, if you want ginger to last for a while, I usually put it in the freezer

    また、生姜をしばらく持続させたい場合は、 通常は冷凍庫に入れます

  • and it lasts me probably for about a month.


  • Alright, so while we're waiting on the chicken to marinate, we can cut some green onions


  • if you would like green onions as a garnish on top.


  • I love green onions.


  • Ok, so now it's been 15 minutes marinating so I'm just going to drain the marinade here and put it in a strainer.


  • Just make sure you get all that excessive liquid out. Then I'm going to put it back in the bowl.

    ちょうどそのすべての過剰な液体を取り除くことを確認してください。 それからボウルに戻します。

  • Next, I'm going to add some cornstarch to this.


  • Tablespoons... I'm going to say probably two tablespoons or a little more than two tablespoons.


  • Just mix it all up.


  • It looks like it's got all the cornstarch on the chicken.


  • And now it's time to cook the chicken!


  • Alright, so I got my frying pan and I usually put a tablespoon to two tablespoons of oil in here.


  • Just a real thin layer of oil. So then you let the oil heat up for a little bit. Maybe two to three minutes.


  • A couple minutes. Just stay nearby to feel it because it's not that much oil.

    数分。近くにいて感じてください 油が少ないからです

  • And now I'm just going to take the chicken and lay it in the pan.

    そして今、私は取るつもりです 鶏肉を鍋に入れます

  • Now if it starts going crazy and you hear lots of sizzling, take it out and start over

    クレイジーになり始めたら たくさんの焼けるように暑い、それを取り出して最初からやり直す

  • because that means the oil is way too hot.


  • So we got that in there.


  • And just cook each side for about three to four minutes.


  • It's been about three minutes and then I flip this over.


  • And you can see that it's a nice golden brown color which is perfect.


  • Cook for another 3 to 4 minutes.


  • I'm going to put the heat down just a tad.


  • Maybe to medium-low so it doesn't cook too fast and I can get the chicken fully cooked.

    多分中〜低なので、あまり速く調理されません チキンを完全に調理することができます。

  • Ok so some of these chicken pieces should be ready because they were a little bit thinner.


  • You can tell by the color too.


  • So this one is done. Nice golden brown color. I think it looks great.

    これで完了です。素敵な黄金色。 見栄えがいいと思います。

  • So once the chicken is done, I just put on the paper towel so it'll take out more of the oil.

    だから鶏肉が終わっ​​たら、 ペーパータオルで油をもっと取り出します。

  • After it's done and it's cooled off for about 3 or 4 minutes, then you can serve it on your plate.


  • And like I said, I like to put green onions on top.


  • And it's done.


  • I really love this recipe. It's super simple. It's really good. Very flavorful so I hope you like it too.

    私はこのレシピが大好きです。とてもシンプルです。 本当に美味しいです。とても風味豊かなので、気に入っていただければ幸いです。

  • So I hope you liked this video. If you did, please give it a thumbs up

    だから、あなたはこのビデオが好きだったと思います。 もしそうなら、それを高く評価してください

  • and if you want to watch more videos, please subscribe to our channel. Thanks for watching!


So since I'm stuck at home a lot these days, I thought I would share one of my

だから私はたくさん家にいるので 日、私は私の1つを共有すると思いました


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