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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • It's time to learn with who is probably one of the best artists of my generation.

    さあ今回は、僕らの世代のトップアーティストの 1 人とも言える人物と勉強していきますよ。

  • Lady Gaga, Are you Ready?

    レディー・ガガです! 準備はいいかな?

  • And The Oscar Goes to...


  • Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson...


  • So she just won the Oscar for best original song, and she was, in fact nominated for a few other ones.


  • I recommend that you check out the speech that she made the other night at the Oscars as it was super motivating.


  • I'll link that down in the description, and the movie is fantastic.

    動画説明文のところにリンク先の URL を掲載しておきますね。本当に素晴らしいんです。

  • It was a little bit long for me, but I would still recommend that you watch it.


  • So she and Bradley Cooper did a really amazing performance of the song Shallow Live at the Oscars, And I definitely recommend that you look that up after this lesson if you haven't seen it yet.

    授賞式で 『シャロウ』 を歌ったレディー・ガガとブラッドリー・クーパーのライブパフォーマンスは圧巻でした。ですから、観たことがない方は、このレッスンが終わったらぜひご覧ください。

  • But today we will be using the original music video to teach you with this song.


  • And we help you every single week to understand fast speaking native, without getting lost, without missing the jokes and without subtitles.


  • So that sounds like something that you would like to be able to do.


  • Then be sure to hit that subscribe button as well as the bell down below so that you don't miss a single one of our newest lessons.


  • Now let's jump in today's lesson with Shallow from Lady Gaga.

    では、レディー・ガガの 『シャロウ』 を使って、今日のレッスンを開始しましょう。

  • Shallow.

    Shallow /ʃæləʊ/(シャロウ)

  • As an adjective, this is the opposite of deep, for example, shallow water.

    形容詞で、「深い」 の反意語にあたります。例:浅水(せんすい)

  • As a noun, as used in this song, is an area of water that is not deep.

    この曲では、深くない水域 (=浅瀬) という意味の名詞として使われています。

  • This song, as we will see, has a lot of references to water, so we could just take this literally.


  • However, much like Deep has both a literal and figurative meaning, so does shallow.

    ですが、”deep” /diːp/という単語に言葉通りの意味と、比喩的な意味の用法を持つように、”shallow”も同様の働きをします。

  • If a subject is deep, it can mean that is full of complexity, there's more than meets the eye.

    “~ is deep” などと言う場合は、その主語(~)にあたるものは複雑で、目で見えるもの以上の何かがあるという意味になります。

  • Shallow would mean the opposite of this.

    ”shallow” だと、この反対の意味になります。

  • You'll probably find it useful knowing both of these definitions in order to interpret the song.


  • Is there something else you're searching for? ♪

    ♪イズデァ サムthンエルスュァ サーチンフォー?♪

  • Else.

    Else /éls/ (エルス)

  • Adverb meaning in addition, besides or different.

    副詞で、「そのうえ」、「さらに」、「他に」 という意味を表します。

  • Example: Would you like to order anything else? Dessert maybe?

    例:「何か他にご注文はありませんか? デザートなどいかかでしょう?」

  • I want to go somewhere else.


  • Searching for.

    Searching /sə'ːrtʃɪŋ/-ɪn/-ən/ (サーチング) 、 for /fɚ/ (フォー)

  • To look for something.


  • Here may be used in a more profound way; such as trying to find one's purpose.


  • Example: I've been searching the Internet for hours, but I can't find a good explanation.


  • She decided to travel across Europe to search for herself.


  • All right, hit that like button below.


  • Because every time you do, you are telling YouTube that you want to be alerted when we put out new videos.


  • And that way we can continue to help you on your journey to fluency.


  • Is there something else you're searching for? ♪

    ♪イズデァ サムthンエルスュァ サーチンフォー(=何か他に探しているものがあるのかい)?♪

  • In all the good times I find myself longing... ♪

    ♪インオゥ ダ グゥタァイムズ アイファインd マイセェゥフ ロンギン…♪

  • In all the good times I find myself longing for change. ♪

    ♪インオゥ ダ グゥタァイムズ アイファインd マイセェゥフ ロンギン フォーチェイィンジ (良い時は変化を求めてる自分に気づくんだ)♪

  • And in the bad times I fear myself. ♪

    ♪アンディンダ バァタァイムズ アイフィィア マイセゥフ♪

  • Good time, bad times.


  • Here, times refers to a period of time, an epoch.

    ここでの”times”は 「時期」、「時代」のことを表しています。

  • Example: We had some crazy times when I lived in Rio de Janeiro.


  • Maria went through some rough times when she was unemployed.


  • Can you give me an example with timesyou could talk about any period of your life, good times, the bad times, the crazy times that dark times, just get creative.


  • Do that down in the comments below, and I'll be correcting many of your examples.


  • Long for.

    Long /lɒŋ/lɑːŋ/ (ロング)、 for /fɚ/ (フォー)

  • To have a strong wish or desire.


  • It's also commonly used to say that we miss something a lot.


  • Example: She has a longing for the good old days.


  • We're longing to see each other again.


  • Fear (something).

    Fear /fɪər/fɪr/(フィアー)、(something/ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/⦅サムシング⦆ )

  • To be scared of something.


  • Example: I fear I will never be able to move out of this dull town.


  • Here, he uses it reflexivelyhe fears himself.


  • This most likely means that he is in a bad mental state, he is scared that he might do something drastic.


  • And in the bad times I fear myself

    ♪アンディンダ バァタァイムズ アイフィィア マイセゥフ (=悪い時は自分が怖いんだ)♪

  • Tell me something, boy

    ♪テゥミィ サムthン ボォイ (=ねぇ、教えてくれる)♪

  • Aren't you tired trying to fill that void? ♪

    ♪アァンt ユゥ タイァd トゥライントゥ フィゥ ダァt ヴォォイd♪

  • To fill a void.

    Fill/fɪl/(フィル), a/ə,eɪ/(ア), void/vɔɪd/(ヴォイド)

  • A void is a completely empty space, for example, the black void of space.


  • Figuratively as it is used in this song, it means an emptiness caused by the loss of something.


  • Example: Since he passed away, she has felt a void.


  • To fill a void is to try to do something to correct that empty feeling.

    ”Fill a void”とは、そういった虚無感を埋めるために何かをしようとすることです。

  • Although this also has the connotation of being something destructive and counterproductive.


  • For example, drinking, doing drugs, having sex.


  • Example: His girlfriend left him for another man, and he's been trying to fill the void by having meaningless relationships with different women, but I don't think it's helping him.


  • Or do you need more

    ♪オァ ドゥウ ユウ ニィd モォァ (=それとも まだ足りない?)♪

  • Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore

    ♪エインニッt ハーd キーピンギッt ソゥ ハーdコォァ♪

  • Ain't.

    Ain't/eɪnt/ (エイント)

  • Colloquial slang for the first or third person singular of the verb to be, am not/is not or isn't.

    口語的な表現で、一人称か三人称単数が主語の時のbe動詞の否定形、”am not/is not”か、”isn't”と同じ働きをします。

  • While this is not considered grammatically correct, natives say it all the time.


  • As a learner, I would recommend you say the correct I'm not or isn't.

    まだ英語を学んでいる途中という人は、正しく ”I'm not” とか、”isn't”を使うことをおすすめします。

  • But it is good to know that natives sometimes use this alternative.


  • Example: I ain't gonna be able to come to your party, but I'll see you Monday.


  • He ain't the smartest guy you'll meet.


  • Keeping it so hardcore.

    Keeping/ kíːpɪŋ/-ɪn/-ən/(キーピング)、it/ɪt/(イット)、so/səʊ/(ソウ)、hardcore/ˈhɑːdˌkɔː/(ハードコア)

  • Hardcore is an adjective that can be used in a few different ways, but that is normally related to how extreme something is.


  • For example, if you have an extreme dedication to a certain activity such as gaming, you may call yourself a hardcore gamer.

    例えば、何かの活動に極度に打ち込んでいる場合です。ゲームなら、その人物は”hardcore gamer(=筋金入りのゲーマー)”と言えるでしょう。

  • We can also use it more informally (as the song does), to describe someone that is particularly intense, thrillingly dangerous or erratic, desirably violent in appearance; pleasing or "cool" due to intensity or danger.

    また、(この曲のように) もっと俗語的な表現としても用いられます。特に気性が激しい人物とか、刺激的な危ない感じの人物とか、常軌を逸している感じの人など。そして、荒々しい雰囲気が魅力の人。これは、張り詰めた感じ、危険な感じが「魅力的」で「カッコイイ」というような意味合いです。

  • In the movie of A Star is Born, Bradley Cooper's character is a hardcore rockstar.

    映画 『アリー/スター誕生』では、ブラッドリー・クーパーが演じた役柄が、"hardcore"なロックスターです。

  • To keep here means to remain, to continue or to be a certain way.

    ここでの ”keep” は、「特定の在り方にとどまっていること」、「そのままでいつづけること」 を意味しています。

  • So, in other words, she's saying, "isn't it difficult, always being so risky and intense?"


  • Example: Keep calm and carry on.


  • Do you get frustrated when natives speak too fast?


  • Well, maybe we can help.


  • We created a mini-course to help you understand natives at any speed.


  • You can learn more about that by clicking up here.


  • Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore? ♪

    ♪エインニッt ハーd キーピンギッt ソゥ ハーdコォァ (=そんなに頑ななままで辛くない?)♪

  • ♪ I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

    ♪アイモフ ダ ディーペェンd ワチアzアイ ダァイヴィn♪

  • ♪ I'll never meet the ground

    ♪アイル ネェヴァ ミーダァ グラァゥンd♪

  • Off the deep end.

    Off/ɒf/(オフ)、 the/ðə,ðɪ,ðiː/(ザ)、 deep/diːp/(ディープ)、 end/ɛnd/(エンド)

  • To be off the deep end, or more commonly to go off the deep end, is to become so angry, nervous, or excited that you lose control of yourself and start to behave in a crazy or irrational way.

    ”be動詞+off the deep end”、またはもっと一般的に言うと ”go off the deep end”は、「ものすごい怒りがこみ上げ」たり、「メチャメチャ不安に」なったり、「激しく興奮」することで、自制心を失い、突拍子もない、または理性のない行動をし始めることです。

  • Example: The man went off the deep end when he found out that his son got arrested.


  • This could also go along with theme of water.


  • For example, the deep end of the pool is a part where if you were to touch the ground, the water would be above your head.

    具体的に言うと、プールの ”deep end” とは、プールの底に足を着こうとした場合に、頭が水の中にすっぽり入っている状態になる深い場所のことです。

  • To dive in.

    Dive/dʌɪv/(ダイヴ)、 in/ɪn/(イン)

  • Literally, to dive is to jump in the water, especially with your head and arms going in first or to move down under the water.


  • Example: They ran to the pool dived in and swam to the other side.


  • To dive in is often used figuratively, meaning to start doing something in a very enthusiastic, energetic way.

    ”Dive in” は、比喩的にもよく使われ、熱心に、精力的に何かを始めるという意味を表します。

  • In the song, Gaga probably means that she is committing herself completely.


  • Example: I need to study for tomorrow's test, so today I'll just dive in and only stop to eat or go to the bathroom.


  • You could also say dive into something for the same meaning.

    また、”dive into ~”という言い方も、同じ意味で使うことができます。

  • Example: The analysts dived into the data and came up with the same result.


  • ♪ I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

    ♪アイモフ ダ ディーペェンd ワチアzアイ ダァイヴィn♪

  • ♪ I'll never meet the ground

    ♪アイル ネェヴァ ミーダァ グラァゥンd♪

  • ♪ I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

    ♪アイモフ ダ ディーペェンd ワチアzアイ ダァイヴィn (=もう気にしない 私の本気を見てて)♪

  • ♪ I'll never meet the ground

    ♪アイル ネェヴァ ミーダァ グラァゥンd (=どん底になんか行かない)♪

  • To meet the ground.

    Meet/miːt/(ミート)、 the/ðə,ðɪ,ðiː/(ザ)、 ground/ɡraʊnd/(グラウンド)

  • Here we see a less common use of the verb to meet, which normally means to see and talk to someone for the first time or to come together with them.

    ここでは、動詞としての ”meet” が、やや一般的ではない使われ方をされているのが分かります。通常は、「人と会う」、「誰かと初めて話す」、「みんなで集合する」という意味ですが、

  • However, to meet can also be the same as to join or touch when talking about objects.

    ”Meet” は、物理的なものをさす場合、「つながる」 とか、「触れる」 と同様の意味を表すこともできるのです。

  • So if our feet meet the ground, that means we're touching ground.

    ですから、 "our feet meet the ground" という場合、「足が地面に着いている」 という意味になります。

  • This could also refer to a sensation of elation, which in English we often relate to a feeling of flying.

    これは、高揚感を表す場合にも用いることが可能です。英語ではよく、「飛んでいる感覚」 に関連付けた形で用いられます。

  • She's so happy or emotionally high that she feels like she will never come down (to the ground).

    (この曲では) 「彼女はものすごく幸せで、あるいは気分が高揚していて、もう (地上に) 戻ってくる気がしない」 のです。

  • If you like learning English with music, then you should totally check out this a playlist of lessons that we have teaching you English with music after you finish this lesson.


  • You'll find that clicking right up here.


  • Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

    ♪クラシュ thルゥダ サァァフィィs ウェア デイキァンt ハァタs (=思い切り飛び込んで 傷つけられないところまで)♪

  • We're far from the shallow now

    ♪ ウィァ ファ フラム ダ シャァロォゥ ナァウ (=浅いところはずっと向こう)♪

  • Crash through the surface.

    Crash/kraʃ/(クラッシュ)、 through/θruː/(スルー)、 the/ðə,ðɪ,ðiː/(ザ)、 surface/ˈsəːfɪs/(サーフィス)

  • To crash through something is to physically break through something such as a barrier, often in a dramatic or violent way.

    ”crash through~” とは、物理的に何かを突き破る動きを表します。例えば、フェンスなんかを迫力いっぱいに、あるいは激しく突き破る感じです。

  • Example: She came crashing through the window.


  • We also called the top of a body of water the surface.

    また、「水面」のことを ”surface” とも言います。

  • So crashing through the surface could refer to jumping into water.

    つまり、 ”crash through the surface” は、水に飛び込んでいるという意味の表現なのです。

  • Example: The swimmers crashed through the surface of the pool with a big splash!


  • In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low

    ♪インダ シャハァ シャハァァ ロゥ (浅いところから)♪

  • In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low

    ♪インダ シャハ シャラ ラ ラァ ロゥ ♪

  • Oh yeah, I hope you have an awesome time learning English with Lady Gaga today.


  • You definitely should subscribe, because we put out new lessons like this one every single week.


  • Also, check out that mini-course I told you about earlier.


  • You might like this playlist of lessons that we teach you English with the Ellen Show or check out this other lesson, I think you'll really enjoy.


  • Now it's time to go outside the classroom, and live you English, oh yeah!

    では、外に出て、英語を活用する時間ですよ!オゥ イエイ!

It's time to learn with who is probably one of the best artists of my generation.

さあ今回は、僕らの世代のトップアーティストの 1 人とも言える人物と勉強していきますよ。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます